Fraud Blocker
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Need urgent help?
Contact us on 01827 438 065
Our support phone line is open:
8am-6pm Monday to Friday

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For further assistance, you can reach us through our email at:

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Our support team will reply back to you promptly

Flo Support

The simple principles of quick response, courtesy and excellent customer communication underpin the service offered by our team.

Tailored Training Sessions

To help you get the most out of the Flo System, we offer tailored training sessions with one of our dedicated trainers.

During the initial implementation process, we will discuss any specific training requirements with you to ensure you get the most out of the training session. We’re here to guide you and your team through every step, and support you with your specific needs to ensure our training delivers tangible business results, in record time.

With Flo, training isn’t a one-off session – it is an ongoing process as and when you need us. Whether that’s to run through new features and functionality, or to train new starters in your recruitment agency, the Flo Team are on hand to support.

Flo’s training room can be found at our offices on the Thorpe Estate, near Tamworth. The venue gives us the opportunity to provide you with a full day’s training on the Flo System.


Key benefits include:

  • Full training with practical exercises to allow you to build your familiarity and confidence with the system
  • Avoids the distractions of a working office
  • Teaches you a best practice approach to using Flo
  • Availability for up to 8 delegates
  • Lunch provided within the day delegate rate
  • Break-out room for your usage
Online Flo training

Online Training Videos

For quick online training, please go to our training section to watch our “how-to” videos.